Special Flight Permit
A Special Flight Permit may be issued to operate a Bermuda registered aircraft where the Certificate of Airworthiness is no longer in force. Those cases when a Special Flight Permit may be issued include:
- Acceptance Flights – Flying the aircraft for customer acceptance usually before the aircraft is sold and/or registered/de-registered.
- Ferry Flights for Maintenance – Flying the aircraft to a location where maintenance is to be performed, or to a place of storage.
- Test Flights after Maintenance – Flying the aircraft following maintenance affecting the aircraft's performance, handling etc., or when required by the manufacturer.
- Test Flights for Approval of a Modification – Flying the aircraft to test modifications. Test flights must be made in accordance with a Flight Test Schedule approved by the state civil aviation authority certifying the modification(s).
Applicable Requirements
- OTAR Part 21 – Certification of Aircraft, Subpart P – Issue and Renewal of Special Flight Permits
- OTAC 21-10 – Special Flight Permit
Applying for a Special Flight Permit
To apply for a Special Flight Permit, the Bermuda approved CAMO should submit a Special Flight Permit Application – AW-201(p) together with any supporting documentation to the Principal Airworthiness Inspector or alternatively to airworthiness@bcaa.bm.
Operating Under a Special Flight Permit
Operators should be aware that aircraft that do not have a valid and in force Certificate of Airworthiness in compliance with ICAO Annex 8 do not have automatic rights of international air navigation under the Chicago Convention.
An aircraft operating under a Special Flight Permit should therefore obtain permission from each State whose airspace it is intending to use while operating without a valid Certificate of Airworthiness.