General FAQs
What is the relationship between the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority and the Bermuda Aircraft Registry?
Bermuda Aircraft Registry is owned and managed by the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA). The BCAA is responsible for the regulation and safety oversight of aviation in Bermuda and all aircraft on the registry.
How do I know if I am eligible to register an aircraft with the BCAA?
To be eligible to place an aircraft on the Bermuda Aircraft Registry, a person must be a United Kingdom national, Commonwealth citizen or national of any European Economic Area State. In addition, the following entities are also eligible:
- Bodies incorporated in any part of the Commonwealth (including Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies) and which have their registered office or principal place of business in any other part of the Commonwealth
- Undertakings formed in accordance with the law of a European Economic Area State and which have their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Economic Area
- Bodies incorporated in Switzerland
- Swiss citizens
Persons or corporations who do not meet these requirements may be able to incorporate a company in one of the other authorised jurisdictions.
What do I have to do to register an aircraft?
To assist with the process of registering an aircraft, the BCAA provides a detailed checklist that can be used as a guide to registering an aircraft, the initial issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness and the requirements for Bermuda operational approval. You can find out more on our website or get in touch with one of our knowledgeable staff members at aircraftregistration@bcaa.bm.
Where are planes registered with the BCAA based?
BCAA registered aircraft are based all around the world, including countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North America and South America.
My plane is already registered; will it be difficult to move the registration to Bermuda?
The BCAA makes it stress-free for you to move your aircraft to our registry. The BCAA accepts Type Certificates from ANAC (Brazil), EASA, FAA and Transport Canada. As a result, an aircraft from another registry can be registered in Bermuda with minimal inconvenience.
Does the BCAA have designated inspectors that oversee the European region?
Yes, the BCAA’s UK office at Farnborough Airport has engaged additional Airworthiness Inspectors who can provide excellent response times to our clients in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. We also offer the added benefit of short notice aircraft inspections and the issuance of Certificates of Airworthiness during turnarounds or layovers at Farnborough. Visit http://www.bcaa.bm/contact-us for further information.
In addition, the BCAA has a dedicated team member based in Shanghai to conduct inspections for initial and ongoing aircraft certification and to provide regulatory oversight of organisations and aircraft in the Asia Pacific region.
What are the benefits of registering an aircraft with the BCAA?
- Tax neutrality
- Type Certification - ANAC (Brazil), EASA, FAA, Transport Canada
- British legal system – English Common Law
- Asset protection through both Cape Town Convention and Mortgage Registries
- International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)-based safety oversight system
- Category 1 Aviation Regulatory Authority by the US Federal Aviation Administration
- International reputation for offering high regulatory standards and excellent service levels
What does tax neutrality mean?
Bermuda is a low-tax jurisdiction with zero income, corporate, withholding or capital gains taxes. By registering an aircraft in Bermuda, owners and operators may be in a position to take advantage of favourable tax treatment in their principal place of business.
What is the significance of a mortgage registry?
The Cape Town Convention and the related Protocol (Convention) came into force for aircraft on the Bermuda Registry as of January 2018. The Convention enables interested parties to protect and recover their mobile assets with greater certainty and ease by creating an international registry. This provides assurance to lenders, leasing companies and operators that their asset is protected.
Prior to Cape Town, Bermuda had in place an Aircraft and Engine Mortgage register, which has been retained as another mechanism for protection and recovery of assets.
Airworthiness FAQs
My aircraft is a newly certificated type and I don’t know if its eligible for the Bermuda Register?
- BCAA publishes the currently accepted aircraft types, by manufacturer name, on its website here. If you’re unable to find what you’re looking for, or the aircraft type is not listed and requires Type Acceptance by BCAA, the Airworthiness team can help with this by engaging with the Type Certificate Holder. This is a quick process requiring the Type Certificate Holder to engage with BCAA to provide any required data. Please email us at airworthiness@bcaa.bm for support.
Where do I go for information on Registering my aircraft with BCAA?
- The ideal place to start is at; https://www.bcaa.bm/how-register, here you’ll find helpful eligibility information and checklists to support you through the process.
- For further help from the Registrations team, please contact them at; aircraftregistration@bcaa.bm
What does it cost to have my aircraft on the Bermuda Register?
- BCAA reduced its fees in 2020 and they are very competitive. Individual costs are dependent upon the MTOW of the aircraft.
- Registration = No Fee
- For Corporate and General Aviation, the CofA fee = $100/500kg
- Investigations/Inspections are charged at $1,600 per man-day or $200 per man-hour. Travel days shall be charged at $800 per man-day.
- A summary of the most commonly requested fee’s and charges are on our website here.
- The full structure of fees and charges is also available online here; BCAA Fee Schedule
I’d like to apply for a Bermuda CofA, how do I do this and how much will it cost?
Our website includes helpful information on how to approach the CofA process here. The costs for the CofA are based upon MTOW and are published here; if you would like us to confirm please contact us at airworthiness@bcaa.bm. The forms associated with the CofA process are listed on the above-referenced page. The AW200 & 201(i) (CofA application), AW285 & 287 (Maintenance Programme) AW235 (Flight Manual Supplements) and 268 (Noise) forms include additional detail on the information required. If you would like some additional support, please email airworthiness@bcaa.bm. Once we are aware of your application we will assign a Principle Inspector to support you.
How do I obtain a Class 6 Radio License?
- BCAA does not issue Radio Licenses. A Class Six Radio Licence can be obtained from the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda, their website is; www.ra.bm. Their guidance to applicants is here.
- The contact details are; Beverly Evans, Licencing Liaison Manager, (441) 474-6010 bevans@ra.bm
I’d like to change the airworthiness management of my aircraft from one CAMO to another what do I need to do?
- We have produced a useful guide on making changes to your operation and its support which you can find here.
- In order to maintain continuity of operations when changing to a new CAMO, an Owner/Operator will need to consider the following:
- A new contract between Owner/Operator and the new CAMO for Continuing Airworthiness Management Services. (Required by OTAR 39.53)
- New CAMO submission of a revised MCM to reflect the additional operation and any additional specific requirements arising from the management requirements of the new operation.
- New maintenance contracts between CAMO and AMO, for support of the aircraft’s maintenance requirements (Required by OTAR 39.57).
- A new Maintenance and reliability programme from the Operator and their new CAMO. BCAA Forms AW285 and AW 287 are required when presenting a new maintenance programme, these can be found @ https://www.bcaa.bm/airworthiness-forms. (This may be the same programme content as the Operator has not changed but it is subject to approval as accountabilities and management system change as part of the CAMO transition).
- Maintenance data and some operator records will need to transfer to the new CAMO (39.75).
- Note: Should the aircraft’s CofA expire at the same time as a transition to a new CAMO, unavailability of the maintenance programme or other requirements may delay the renewal of the CofA.
- Submit documents and forms to the PMI assigned to the aircraft or more generally to airworthiness@bcaa.bm
I’d like to change my maintenance provider from one AMO to another for my aircraft, what do I need to do?
- In order to maintain continuity of operations when changing to a new AMO, an Owner/Operator will need to consider the following:
- A new maintenance contract between your CAMO and a Bermuda CAA approved AMO, reflecting the change and ensuring continued support of the aircraft’s maintenance requirements, as required by OTAR 39.57. A list of maintenance organisations approved by BCAA is available here; BCAA Approved AMO.
My aircraft doesn’t have a valid CofA (or is damaged) and I need to ferry it for maintenance, how can I do this?
- When the Certificate of Airworthiness is invalidated or no longer in force, in order to operate, you would need to apply for a Special Flight Permit. The application would require an explanation of why the CofA would not be in force and require a safety case explaining how an equivalent level of safety would be ensured. The Special Flight Permit would then be issued by BCAA.
- The application form referenced, AW201(p) is available here; https://www.bcaa.bm/airworthiness-forms.
- We have produced a useful guide specifically for what’s required for Ferry Flying which is available here.
- Your Principle Airworthiness Inspector is always on hand to provide any guidance you might need regarding your individual circumstances.
I need a Mode S Code, how do I get this?
Mode S codes are assigned from the UK pool of addresses via ASSI and can be assigned upon Registration. The aircraft transponder must be programmed with the provided code and will usually remain with the assigned aircraft for its time on the Register.
I’m modifying my aircraft, how can I ensure that this change will be accepted by Bermuda CAA?
- Your CAMO will understand the process of approval and should guide the design organisation to ensure compliance to the Bermuda standard.
- The Bermuda Certification Requirements (OTAR Part 21) define the approval process and require that BCAA approve modifications, subject to their prior approval by FAA, EASA or TCCA (21.73) either directly, or via a bilateral arrangement. OTAR Part 21 requires that a change or alteration (modification) complies with the certification standards of the product (21.73). BCAA accepts aircraft types of differing certification standards onto its register, this means that prior to approval by BCAA, modifications are assessed to ensure that they are referencing the applicable product certification standard. For any one type of aircraft on the register, this may be an FAA, EASA, ANAC or TCCA certification standard. BCAA Inspectors will approve modifications which address the applicable product certification standard and have been appropriately approved under the certification systems of FAA, EASA or TCCA, either directly or through bilateral arrangements.
- Applications for the approval of modifications are made by the CAMO on the owner/operators behalf on BCAA Form referenced AW220, which is available here.
My aircraft will exceed maintenance requirements under the current maintenance programme because there is no available maintenance slot with my AMO, what do I need to do?
- Your CAMO can advise you on the available provisions within the approved maintenance programme for your aircraft, which will normally provide enough flexibility to allow you to schedule the aircraft at a later time. If a delay is going to put your aircraft maintenance outside the scope of the provisions of its maintenance programme, then your CAMO can approach BCAA to vary the programme requirements for that specific occasion. This will require the CAMO to explain the circumstances and demonstrate how an equivalent level of safety is to be maintained during the period of extension to any overdue maintenance. This will usually require the support of the TCH and may require some of the mandatory maintenance requirements to be fulfilled, to allow others to be extended.
- CAMO’s should apply to the Principle Inspector on the BCAA Form referenced AW 259 available here.
Drone FAQs
Who is responsible for the regulation and safety oversight of aviation including drones in Bermuda?
The Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA).
What is a Small Unmanned Aircraft?
An SUA is the current name for a drone, quadrocopter, pilotless aircraft or an unmanned aircraft system (UAS).
An SUA is any unmanned aircraft, other than a balloon or a kite, having a mass of not more than 20 kg without its fuel but including any articles or equipment installed in or attached to the aircraft at the commencement of its flight. A Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft (SUSA) is an SUA/drone with a camera or other form of data or media recording device attached.
Does the BCAA issue drone licenses?
The BCAA does not issue licenses for drone operators but rather will issue a Governor’s Permission known as an Aerial Work Certificate, if necessary.
Do I need permission to fly a drone in Bermuda?
Provided you are aware and follow the local laws and rules, you do not need permission to fly a drone in Bermuda. Governor’s Permission, issued by the BCAA, is only required to operate in contradiction to the legislation (Article 73) and within the no-fly areas. Any person who contravenes, permits the contravention of, or fails to comply with the rules and the directions put in place by the BCAA for purposes of confidentiality, safety and security, commits an offence and is liable to prosecution.
May I sell the photos and data products that I obtain from flying my drone?
How do I gain the Governor’s permission?
The Governor’s permission is granted through an application to the BCAA, Flight Operations section. The most important consideration in preparing for your Aerial Work Certificate (Governor’s Permission) is to demonstrate to the BCAA that the operation of the drone will not place the public in danger nor will there be any disruption to air traffic.
Do I need to be medically fit to obtain a Governor’s permission?
It is common sense that someone flying a drone should be able to see and hear to a degree which provides an adequate level of safety. It will therefore be necessary for any applicant to obtain an FAA Class 3 Pilot’s Medical Certificate (ICAO Class 2). This is the lowest level of medical certificate and is what is required for a Private Pilot’s Licence/Certificate.
Who is the operator?
The operator is normally the person in charge at the controls of the drone, but it could mean a consortium or company with more than one pilot using the drone.
Can I fly my drone in the Botanical Gardens or any other Government land area?
This is not permitted without express permission from the Parks Department.
Where are drone no-fly zones?
Please note that flying in these zones may lead to criminal prosecution and fines.

Download a PDF of all no-fly zones
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