
All aircraft accidents and serious incidents occurring in Bermuda or involving a Bermuda registered aircraft should be reported to both:

In the event of an aircraft accident or serious incident, contact the AAIB


Dangerous Goods

The requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by air and carriage of munitions of war and sporting weapons are contained in Parts 11 and 12 of the AN(OT)O 2013. They apply to all aircraft registered in a Territory, no matter where they are operating, and to all aircraft operating in a Territory no matter where the aircraft is registered.

Dangerous goods may only be carried with the approval of the Governor and in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions. Further guidance is given in OTAR Part 92 and OTAC 92-1.

This does not apply to aircraft operating under an Article 83bis agreement.


As part of the BCAA Dangerous Goods Awareness Campaign, feel free to utilise the publications on the left sidebar of this page.

Organisations who may find this information most useful include shippers, freight forwarders, airport operations, fixed based operators, post offices or any other entity that accepts or processes potential dangerous goods that will be transported by air from Bermuda.

Please contact us with any inquiries.