Who is responsible for the regulation and safety oversight of aviation including drones in Bermuda?
The Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA).
What is a Small Unmanned Aircraft?
An SUA is the current name for a drone, quadrocopter, pilotless aircraft or an unmanned aircraft system (UAS).
An SUA is any unmanned aircraft, other than a balloon or a kite, having a mass of not more than 20 kg without its fuel but including any articles or equipment installed in or attached to the aircraft at the commencement of its flight. A Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft (SUSA) is an SUA/drone with a camera or other form of data or media recording device attached.
Does the BCAA issue drone licenses?
The BCAA does not issue licenses for drone operators but rather will issue a Governor’s Permission known as an Aerial Work Certificate, if necessary.
Do I need permission to fly a drone in Bermuda?
Provided you are aware and follow the local laws and rules, you do not need permission to fly a drone in Bermuda. Governor’s Permission, issued by the BCAA, is only required to operate in contradiction to the legislation (Article 73) and within the no-fly areas. Any person who contravenes, permits the contravention of, or fails to comply with the rules and the directions put in place by the BCAA for purposes of confidentiality, safety and security, commits an offence and is liable to prosecution.
May I sell the photos and data products that I obtain from flying my drone?
How do I gain the Governor’s permission?
The Governor’s permission is granted through an application to the BCAA, Flight Operations section. The most important consideration in preparing for your Aerial Work Certificate (Governor’s Permission) is to demonstrate to the BCAA that the operation of the drone will not place the public in danger nor will there be any disruption to air traffic.
Do I need to be medically fit to obtain a Governor’s permission?
It is common sense that someone flying a drone should be able to see and hear to a degree which provides an adequate level of safety. It will therefore be necessary for any applicant to obtain an FAA Class 3 Pilot’s Medical Certificate (ICAO Class 2). This is the lowest level of medical certificate and is what is required for a Private Pilot’s Licence/Certificate.
Who is the operator?
The operator is normally the person in charge at the controls of the drone, but it could mean a consortium or company with more than one pilot using the drone.
Can I fly my drone in the Botanical Gardens or any other Government land area?
This is not permitted without express permission from the Parks Department.
Where are drone no-fly zones?
Please note that flying in these zones may lead to criminal prosecution and fines.

Download a PDF of all no-fly zones