The BCAA may grant an exemption against specific provisions of the AN(OT)O or deviations against specific provisions of an OTAR. An applicant for an exemption/deviation should provide an appropriate risk assessment relevant to the situation for which the exemption/deviation is sought and a description of the manner in which the risks will be mitigated in accordance with its safety management system, where applicable. The following exemptions/deviations have been issued by the BCAA.
Deviation Letter OTAR Part 125.700 (d) - Medical and emergency equipment
Direction under Article 68 of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2013
General Exemption AN(OT)O Article 73 (5) - Regulation of Small Unmanned Aircraft
Deviation Letter OTAR 21 – Reissue of Certificate of Airworthiness within 90 days
Exemption From AN(OT)O Article 16 - Hong Kong, China
Exemption From AN(OT)O Article 16 - Switzerland
Exemption From AN(OT)O Article 16 - USA