Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority

All aircraft accidents and serious incidents occurring in Bermuda or involving a Bermuda registered aircraft should be reported to both:

In the event of an aircraft accident or serious incident, contact the AAIB



12 January, 2021

New Year Message from Thomas Dunstan

As we embark on a new year, I want to personally thank each and every one of our clients and business partners for your support as we adjusted and adapted to new ways of business over the last 10 months.

While this past year has brought about new global challenges, many of which we are still navigating, there is something to be said about the aviation industry as a whole and the harmonization between all areas of expertise. There has been more opportunity for collaboration and certainly when it comes to measures that have been put in place for COVID-19, there has been a global effort to ensure that operators, regulators and everyone involved with the transportation of people are making the best possible decisions for the safety of those people.

At the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA), it has been our focus to maintain high standards of safety oversight, whilst continuing to provide timely regulatory services. In particular, the Bermuda Aircraft Registry has reviewed procedures and accelerated planned changes to accommodate the new working environment. Most recently, we launched an updated version of our website

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at BCAA for their hard work and dedication throughout these challenging times.

Our industry is ever-evolving and resilient, and I have confidence that by continuing to focus on our goals we will further adapt and continue with a strong momentum into 2021.

Thomas Dunstan

Director General